Tips for Men
Blend or color your gray hair at home with no brassy look. Get professional results at home with Hair Color 2 Go custom hair color.
So what’s the big difference?
While most over-the-counter colors get the job done, the results may not complement skin tone, eye color or lifestyle. Often men’s over-the-counter hair coloring products leave hair looking faded, with brassy, orange, yellow or ash tones.
Most men prefer a natural, gradual blending of their gray hair. Hair Color 2 Go custom-blends developer with appropriate pigments for translucent tones that look and feel natural. Having your hair color custom-mixed gives you the option for blended or complete coverage of gray hair without that unnatural painted look that often comes from a box.
For men who want to make a fashion statement, Hair Color 2 Go can custom-mix a formula for exciting and vibrant looking hair. There are many colors to choose from and because the coloring formula is individually mixed to exact specifications, we guarantee the quality and color.
These are just a few important considerations we make to custom-mix hair color for men. Hair Color 2 Go adjusts the silicones, adherents and application instructions to individual specifications for complete coverage and maximum quality.
The Bottom Line
By comparison, men may pay $8 - $12 for a typical over-the-counter product that uses a "one size fits all" approach, which often produces inconsistent quality, color and durability. On the other hand, salon pricing typically starts at $45 for a two hour appointment that can take weeks to schedule.
Why bother? Because anyone (male or female) who knows anything about hair coloring will see and know the difference between a salon formula and color that comes from a box.
So why settle for less? For just $24.90, Hair Color 2 Go will customize a color formula to match your specific hair type and color requirements. In addition, we provide a Senior Color Consultant to answer questions and provide application tips to make your hair coloring experience easy and successful.
It's Easy to Use
Hair color application is a simple combination of two primary elements: coverage and timing. Coverage simply means applying color to all of the areas of hair that require treatment. Because men's hair is typically shorter than women's, application coverage is easier.
For coverage to be successful and for results to last, color treatment needs to be left in the hair for a prescribed period of time before it is rinsed out. To make timing easy, your personal Senior Color Consultant provides specific timing instructions customized to your hair coloring needs.
After you have applied hair color treatment and let it sit for your prescribed time, all you have to do is simply rinse it out. That's it. No second coats, no fancy sealants. It's wash and wear until your next coloring treatment which is recommended roughly every four to six weeks. Hair Color 2 Go also provides these application instructions online so you can easily access this information.
So what are you waiting for? Let's Get Started!